vxxen's Diaryland Diary


Holy SHIT, where the FUCK am I?!

im feeling really bad right now. im always upset, i dont wanna do shit. im not laughin anymore, i dont wanna make desserts anymore( and i LOVE cooking!) i sleep late, i always feeling like crying. its gettin on my fucken nerves! i hate feelin like this! i gotta go to court at the end of the month. the day before thanksgiving i gotta get my paperwork in order. and i cant feelin like this when im sitting in that courtroom. (maybe it would be go for my case lmao) i dont even know what to do..this shit is gettin on my nerves! my mom is tellin me to fight this. and i can say that im really not tryin to. wanting to try is hard! man, i dont know what to do. and the vitamins aint even working. they giving me shitty shits! o my god! it looks like im going to have to pay outta pocket. them shit run at least $200 a pop. im gonna have to do it. good lord. i feel like crying just by speaking..thats some serious shit. its so bad, i dont even want to make this public...
i gotta go to the vitamin doc tomorrow, maybe he can help me out...

sadness Pictures, Images and Photos
8:24 pm... i pushed myself and made BROWNIES! :-D i feel a little better now. i made bronwies, im watching survivor, im with my sister and moms. whenever im with momma dukes, i feel comfortable and less nervous and "down" you know? ok. ima try and make my bracelet now maybe that will make me feel an ounce better lol! DUECES! LOLCould Be Happier Pictures, Images and Photos

6:57 p.m. - November 06, 2008


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