vxxen's Diaryland Diary


Dear Georgie letter. . .

Dear George,

I've known you for a couple of years, even before you went into the army. I've had a crush on you for a very long time. I cant help the way I feel about you. I don't know *why* i feel this way about you. Other than the fact that u exaggerate the truth, you have very good qualities about you. You're kind, funny and sweet. I would never say anything or change anything about you because that is who you are.
I know that there are things that you don't want people to know about the things that you deal with or the things you went through. I understand that and I would never ask you about those things. But, if there was a time that you would like to talk about this to anyone, you would hear nothing from me. No judgments, weird faces, pity, or advice (if you didn't want it) from me. Nothing but kind words, understanding eyes and an open ear.
I am a young lady, but I am not the young ladies that you are used to dealing with. A lot of times, I feel disrespected when you say that you are going to be someplace and you're not there and then pull shady moves. My feelings get more hurt than anything on top of my anger. I'm thinking about just giving up. Part of me doesn't want to. But the part that gets angry and upset when things happen, does want to give up.
When you were in the army, I prayed everyday that you return home safely. Whenever I spoke to you, I made sure that I did not make you feel bad about not being here or say anything that might get you depressed. When I sent you that care package,you didn't say anything about it to me. But I didn't say anything because . . . I don't even know why I didn't say anything. I guess I was nervous. I don't know why I'm writing this. I'm never gonna tell you this anyway. But. . . It would have been really nice to be with you down the road.


11:32 p.m. - October 15, 2010


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